Wednesday, October 11, 2006


The past two days, have been............well,

I can't begin to formulate words to "paper" yet. But despite the crux, I can see my Lord at work. Opening doors and hearts beyond my expectations. Prayers spoken before the need was known. Resources made available before the problem realized. And peace and joy and a feeling of blessedness through the tears. I can trust him in this as well. I can trust his perfect will in all things. And I can offer a prayer of praise and thanks giving.

Remember this moment from today, (Dawn Marie):
the one who had such pain, who spoke her heart even when she knew it would break she sought you out at work, she put herself on your lap, wrapped her arms around your neck with her cheek to yours and sang a song of love. Her joy was restored.

The blessing is in each moment.
Thank you, Father. Thank you, Jesus.