Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Makin Memories

On Monday night at a gathering the observation was made that we tend to "remember" negative things from our past more vividly than the positive.

Therefore I am on a mission to make sure that my children have good memories. Actually, this may just be my own justification for what my girls refer to as "weird" ("ooooooooo mo-om", and roll yer eyes!)

The TALKING CAR was a beautiful blue FJ Cruiser. Saturday, February 16th, 2008. CarMax, HEHE Napoleon!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are just a sweet reminder that I'm cancer free!

Thank you, Lord

Quotes From an Almost Seventeen Year Old...

"I love how you pretend to be a prude (mom)"

"Patchouli body wash and hemp shampoo & conditioner", "You're weird".