Saturday, March 31, 2007

A Week's Worth.......

It is hard for me to find time and energy to keep up with this blog these days. But I committed to journaling this journey, if for no other reason than to allow me from having to answer the phone when I'm feeling poorly.

Monday, I met with my pastor and shared with him this chapter of our family story. As I was driving to my appointment, I wondered, "why am I going to talk to him?" A small voice inside told me to "just show up". I was truly blessed by our meeting. A gift for my girls, a word that I needed to hear, and promise of prayers. I am again reminded that God knows our need even before we do.

Wednesday, a visit with my beautiful grand-daughter. Her laughter and smile are like sunshine.

On Thursday, I was allowed to participate in a special blessing for Jennifer. A surprise visitor which elicited tears of joy from Jen and more time for me with my grand-daughter (hehe). Thursday, I actually was feeling physically and emotionally better for most of the day. At about 7pm, I "hit the wall" and went home to rest.

Friday was clinic. So far, we're doing great. Next visit I will begin the protease inhibitor. As I told Joan of my constantly leaking eyes, she said a word that finally hit home. (I KNOW that "side effects" often include depression). "Interferon actually interferes with serotonin production" (duh) I get it now! At our next visit, we may increase my dosage of lexapro.

Last night was injection night, "if I do get sick maybe I'll sleep through it". Well, I actually woke up several times last night AND I WAS NOT SICK!!!! (thank you, Father)

This morning, I was talking to a friend who commented that it was "good to spend time with the real Dawn again!" (Praise God, Praise God, Praise God!!!) But shortly after taking my pills I couldnt remember if I had taken them, so I need to start logging them WHEN I take them.

Thank YOU for your continued prayers!

Monday, March 26, 2007

I Spoke Too Soon

This weekend was tough. My eyes leaked all weekend for "no reason". I was soooo tired - slept 16 hours on Saturday, but AFTER the band competition and ice cream.

Was grateful that the girls had one of their semi-annual visitations with their dad on Sunday. As they were out, and I was able to do some chores in slow motion. And they got to have a fun day, shopping, saw the "teen-aged mutant ninja" movie! rofl! they're such a riot!

Thankful for ice-cream with "Gwenita". Thankful for teenaged girls. And clean sheets. Hoping for a home-cooked meal this week. (A girl's gotta have a dream!)
Thankful that I never walk alone. God is with me. And sends his people!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

If a Tree Falls in the Forest....

Injection #2 last night. Since I was able to take this one at home, I waited until evening. Hoping that if I got sick again, I would sleep through it. Last week it was six hours after the injection that I felt so horribly, so last night I took my shot at 8pm.

I think I fell asleep around 11pm. Still feeling fine! :-)
This morning, I woke up still feeling fine :-). Maybe I had the fever, chills, aching at 2am and slept through it. But as far as I'm concerned, I didnt get sick last night.


And if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it, it does NOT make noise.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Last Friday, I awoke with excitement. not nervous. not anxious. just happy to "get this show on the road". Thank Him!

As it is, I was "randomly selected" to participate in one of the 28 week branches of the trial. (I was actually hoping for one of the 48 week branches.) Trust Him. Trust Him. Trust Him.

The appointment went well. the injection went well. I went to work.
At 4pm I went home and went to bed. horrible freezing chills, fever, everything ached! I slept until morning. I ignored everybody's phone calls.

Saturday, I woke up feeling great!
I have had a headache all week. gotta remember to take drugs with me to bible study and when I have late meetings.

Yesterday was Jeni's 26th birthday. She spent it working and caring for a sick baby. Not such an unusual way for a mom to spend her birthday. She will come and have cake with us tonight.

Writer's Block?

For me, writer's block is usually rooted in a too busy schedule and sheer exhaustion.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Today, I am grateful for all of the prayers that are being prayed.

I'm also grateful for those who remind me to keep my head outta my butt. lol.

Friday, March 09, 2007


I just got off the phone with the doctor's office.

My pre-tests are all done and I will begin treatment next Friday. My appointment is at 8:30am. Apparently my FIRST injection has to be self-administered in the office.
They said to fast, but bring something to eat with me also bring tylenol.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.

Thank you, Father for the healing which has already been done.

If Only You Knew.........

If only you knew what happens when eight hundred women spend a weekend together in a beautiful place, leaving children, spouses, jobs, errands and laundry to worship and celebrate our Lord together!


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

It's A Good Day to Live in South Florida....

Bitter Cold, Blowing Snow Hit Northeast
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (March 7) - Fierce wind and biting cold kept youngsters home from school Tuesday in upstate New York and authorities warned against perilous driving conditions....

A "beach day" perhaps?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Insert Scream Here!

So, I get a call from the "other doctor's" office this morning......
"We need you to come in to discuss some of your test results with you" (they've only gotten one back so far) (additional testing will be required, grrr and then whatever comes after that). I feel like I'm spending my life in waiting rooms, labs, hospitals, clinics and doctor's offices and wishing that I were in MY office at work. It probably wouldn't be of such concern if my kids didn't need a place to sleep or food.

Forgive me, Dad.................I just dont know how to be gracious at this moment.
Forgive me, Father for being angry and weak. Please give me Your strength. I pray for peace, I pray for joy. I pray in Jesus name.

P.S. When I do get to the point of leaving THIS world, I want to do it in peace, not running to a doctor appointment.

I think I'll become a hermit. lol.

Monday, March 05, 2007


More tests today - radiology and eye exams. Results from the blood tests have come in and it's realistic that my first injection will be a week from Friday. Since the interferon injections are once a week, most people do them on Friday, so we can puke our guts out over the weekend and be ready for work on Monday. pills are twice a day.

Pray for my girls.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Lift Us In Prayer....

A weekend of women in fellowship, prayer and worship!
Please remember us in your prayers. That the Holy Spirit will move in a mighty way.

(And that kids and husbands will survive)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Please Read

An Opportunity...