Wednesday, April 26, 2006

LOL. I Knew That I Didn't Have Time for This!!!

Dear Reader or Fan,

Thank you for your patience. lol.

Last evening I had a wonderful opportunity to attend an awards function at a local Christian University. Our company is partnering with one of the student programs, local businesses and governments to provide a home for a family. As I watched these young people and their excitement over the accomplishments they had achieved this past year, a myriad of thoughts and emotions came flooding.

Remember when we were so full of anticipation and excitement and joy??? Remember when the world seemed new and fresh? It was just waiting for me. It's hard not to get jaded, discouraged, frustrated. The world creeps in on us, bills and schedules and disappointments. Divorce and death. I know some that think that we, as Christians are immune to the sadness of this world. Scripture tells us that we are overcomers in Christ and some seem to believe and teach that "cheerful" is a designation of our faith. Think about it ....... how often have you pasted on that smile at church and said "fine" when your insides were screaming......"Im am so NOT life is a mess, I'm angry, I'm depressed!!!" In fact..........scripture also says that because of our faith we will suffer. As our souls long for "home" we will be impatient and frustrated by this world which we encounter.

Each day, as I trudge work schedule, the commute, dealing with teenagers, financial burdens, tires, brakes and the hundreds of other barbs that come flying at me...........I pray. I pray that God will use me despite my failures. That His light will shine through this flesh even briefly. And that He will be glorified despite me. And when I come to Him, there is where I find contentment and peace. When I step into His waiting arms, when I bow at His knee, when I humble myself at The cross........this is where I find joy. One day that will be eternal. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Jesus!

Go in peace..........The world is waiting for HIM!!!