Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I knew I didn't have time for this blogging thang!!! hehe. (faithful readers will get it!)
I must admit that I spend much less time on the computer these days. That I attribute to better health and energy! Praise the Lord!
But to appease the "mass" (you know who you are, too few to claim as "masses") (lol):

Of course the past few days others have wished, "the best year ever" in 2008; some who know my 2007, have offered encouragement that "this year will be better."
I kinda chuckle. WHAT could be better than healing from cancer?

So many blessings the Lord has given, I've mentioned them all before in this forum. It would seem that 2007 was a time of trial for our family........and yet the greatest gifts can be found in and through our times of need. Friendship, faithful prayers, appreciation for "the little things", the realization that most of our "big things" aint so. The realization that our God is greater than ALL things! The understanding that everyone has their own story and that each is unique and special.

So...........In 2008, I wish you God's perfect love, strength and grace, whatever circumstance you encounter along the way.