Saturday, March 31, 2007

A Week's Worth.......

It is hard for me to find time and energy to keep up with this blog these days. But I committed to journaling this journey, if for no other reason than to allow me from having to answer the phone when I'm feeling poorly.

Monday, I met with my pastor and shared with him this chapter of our family story. As I was driving to my appointment, I wondered, "why am I going to talk to him?" A small voice inside told me to "just show up". I was truly blessed by our meeting. A gift for my girls, a word that I needed to hear, and promise of prayers. I am again reminded that God knows our need even before we do.

Wednesday, a visit with my beautiful grand-daughter. Her laughter and smile are like sunshine.

On Thursday, I was allowed to participate in a special blessing for Jennifer. A surprise visitor which elicited tears of joy from Jen and more time for me with my grand-daughter (hehe). Thursday, I actually was feeling physically and emotionally better for most of the day. At about 7pm, I "hit the wall" and went home to rest.

Friday was clinic. So far, we're doing great. Next visit I will begin the protease inhibitor. As I told Joan of my constantly leaking eyes, she said a word that finally hit home. (I KNOW that "side effects" often include depression). "Interferon actually interferes with serotonin production" (duh) I get it now! At our next visit, we may increase my dosage of lexapro.

Last night was injection night, "if I do get sick maybe I'll sleep through it". Well, I actually woke up several times last night AND I WAS NOT SICK!!!! (thank you, Father)

This morning, I was talking to a friend who commented that it was "good to spend time with the real Dawn again!" (Praise God, Praise God, Praise God!!!) But shortly after taking my pills I couldnt remember if I had taken them, so I need to start logging them WHEN I take them.

Thank YOU for your continued prayers!