Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Insert Scream Here!

So, I get a call from the "other doctor's" office this morning......
"We need you to come in to discuss some of your test results with you" (they've only gotten one back so far) (additional testing will be required, grrr and then whatever comes after that). I feel like I'm spending my life in waiting rooms, labs, hospitals, clinics and doctor's offices and wishing that I were in MY office at work. It probably wouldn't be of such concern if my kids didn't need a place to sleep or food.

Forgive me, Dad.................I just dont know how to be gracious at this moment.
Forgive me, Father for being angry and weak. Please give me Your strength. I pray for peace, I pray for joy. I pray in Jesus name.

P.S. When I do get to the point of leaving THIS world, I want to do it in peace, not running to a doctor appointment.

I think I'll become a hermit. lol.