Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Bit of Data..........

  • Hepatitis C Virus is a blood-borne virus that enters the body through direct blood exposure.
  • The virus attacks cells in the liver where it multiplies. HCV causes liver inflammation and kills liver cells.
  • The National Insitutes of Health estimates that some four million Americans are infected with HCV. HCV affects over 170 million people worldwide.
  • An estimated 8,000 - 10,000 Americans die annually of complications related to HCV. (cirhossis, cancer of the liver, etc) This fiqure is expected to triple in the next 10-20 years.
  • Most people report few or no symptoms during the acute phase of HCV infection. Chronic HCV may be undiagnosed for years.
  • Most people with chronic HCV infection lead relatively normal lives with with disease progression typically occuring over 10 - 40 years.
  • There is no cure or vaccine for HCV.
  • Hepatitis A, B and C are related only in that they affect the liver.

For additional information:

and check out a local support group!!