Sunday, December 31, 2006

"AT&T Breaks"

About 15 years ago........there was a commercial, the details are fuzzy......but a hurried and harried mother is on the phone on a business call. She is approached by her young daughter.........."when can I be your client, mommy?" Segue to the mom on the beach with her kids AND her cell phone. It spoke to our hearts.......

Since then, my FAVORITE aunt has periodically sent little reminders.........reminding me to take "AT&T breaks". Reminding me to not get so caught up in work or the business of life that I forget the most important. One time, she even sent little plastic beach shovels which I displayed on my desk as a reminder.

I still have a dream of a "real" family vacation before my youngers leave home, but more important are the little "breaks" we share with one another and time spent having fun..........together!