Sunday, December 31, 2006

"AT&T Breaks"

About 15 years ago........there was a commercial, the details are fuzzy......but a hurried and harried mother is on the phone on a business call. She is approached by her young daughter.........."when can I be your client, mommy?" Segue to the mom on the beach with her kids AND her cell phone. It spoke to our hearts.......

Since then, my FAVORITE aunt has periodically sent little reminders.........reminding me to take "AT&T breaks". Reminding me to not get so caught up in work or the business of life that I forget the most important. One time, she even sent little plastic beach shovels which I displayed on my desk as a reminder.

I still have a dream of a "real" family vacation before my youngers leave home, but more important are the little "breaks" we share with one another and time spent having fun..........together!

Jesus Take The Wheel......

On the way home from church today, we three were listening to our favorite radio of course. They were doing a special "countdown" of the top 50 number one hits of 2006. As we pulled into our driveway, the #1 was about to be broadcast, we listened in anticipation. "Which one of our favorites would it be?" (sigh) It was Carrie Underwood's "Jesus Take the Wheel". We sat, we listened, we sang. I contemplated. I was proud for the beautiful young woman who had the courage to make that her break-out song. Happy that it was so well received, glad that Jesus was heard in popular culture.

Each time I hear that reminds me of moments in my life........when hope was waning, when life seemed "impossible", when I just could not take another step on my own..............times, when I've just given it ALL up to God with no regard for the outcome. Each time He has been faithful to see us through. Often, He has surprised us!

And yet the challenge that I find more often is surrendering my will to Him in the "good" times. It's then that I tend to think that I can do it on my own. It's then that I tend to "leave God out". I know better. Will I ever get to a place that I just surrender my will to His without this struggle?

This is my prayer, to give to Him all of me.

"If God is your co-pilot then you're sitting in the wrong seat"

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Someone Forgot to Mention...


when I made the decison to have children......i DID understand that i would have to feed them, clothe them, protect them.

i KNEW that two's say "i hate you mommy" just to get a reaction, i was also aware that teens would roll their eyes at me.

i knew that finances would change and priorities in life as well. i understood that i would have sleepless nights. I also believed that for all of the changes, i would never regret being a momma.

but what someone failed to mention.......................IS THAT I WOULD HAVE TO GO SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Father, give me patience and YOUR strength)


I still can't get over this one in high heels........sigh.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Our Own Little Miracle

My favorite daughter has an idiosyncrasy which drives us each nuts!

She wears size 11 shoes. Okay, really what drives us to the brink is that no one seems to stock shoes in her size. I personally know of other women with size 11 or greater feet.........WHY then can we never seem to find shoes in that size???

Her solution to this on-going dilemma is to simply wear "flip flops" whenever possible. She has them in various colors and "bling." At her last high school the students and faculty were even allowed to wear them on campus. However, certain events require a more traditional foot attire. Vocal and band performances, for example. Inevitably, on these occasions we find ourselves shopping until it hurts and even crying before a "not quite right but it will do" pair is purchased. (I'm typically apologizing to her for my part in the biology of the matter.)

This particular event was Christmas Eve service at our church. She'd found a lovely dress ensemble and "flip flops" even with the sparklies just wouldn't do........
Last Friday, I decided to "throw some money" at the problem and hit Nordstrom's department store. They have a reputation for their inventory of large sized women's shoes. With grand-daughter in tow, we hit the fancy mall. The store with the reputation for large sized women's shoes was a TOTAL blow-out. We were sorely disappointed as we tried our "luck" at several large and small shoe stores and department stores. Finally, in frustration, we split up while I went into a music store to find another elusive item. As I was paying for my Michael Crawford Christmas CD, my cell phone rang...........I should come immediately!

She had found the perfect pair to match her dress and her youthful but classy style.
I was relieved even though they cost more than I've ever paid for a pair of shoes. The mall was closing and "kid sister" hadn't gotten hers.

Saturday night (after the spa day!) we took my other favorite daughter to Payless Shoes hoping to score on her account. She found the perfect pair of shoes ONLY THEY DIDN'T HAVE THEM IN HER SIZE............sheeeesh!
The sales associate was able to locate a pair at a nearby store and have them held for us. When we arrived at the 2nd Payless shoe store to pick up the shoes, I heard my elder call me.

When I got to her, I saw that she had the most adorable pair of heels on.........."they fit, mom!!!" "and I love them!!!" I did too. I told her to get them. But as she went to put them in the box, she saw a pair of shiny blue flats that caught her attention............."Oh but I like these too". "Get them" I said without hesitation. She looked at me in shock and disbelief, had she heard me right? "I can get two pair? Do I get to keep the ones we bought last night?" Then I noticed a pair of black shiny flats just like the blue ones, "why don't you get these ones too? they'll match more outfits." The child had never heard of such a thing! Four pair of shoes in two days? In fifteen years, she's never even had four pair of shoes in one year! We walked out of the store with four pair of shoes (three for Nel and one for Angie) and a purse for less than the one pair we'd bought the night before. My girl thinks I'm crazy............but I think I'm smart. Who knows when we'll find another pair that fit her, and at $14.99 a pair I don't even care that it wasn't BOGO! My girl is happy. Her momma is happy. As far as we're was our own little miracle.

Oh! And "the kid sister" found the most delightful pair of first high heels. sigh.

A Queen Day

This past April a sweet friend sent me a gift certificate for my favorite day-spa.
"One hour facial (sigh), one hour massage (sigh), hand and foot treatment (sigh), and a manicure and pedicure (yeah!)." (The last time that I'd been in it was a Christmas gift from my boss and my appointment was July 14, 2005. Right after a judge declared me single, again.)

By the time that I knew it, it was late November and I still hadn't enjoyed my birthday gift. I called expecting an appointment in January or later, but was very pleasantly surprised that they had appointments on December 23rd. Wow! A Saturday appointment two days before Christmas. What a treat.

When I entered the salon on Saturday, I was greeted by name with a "how are you, today?"
"Good, but not as good as I will be in about three hours" was my reply. Then an "oh no, you won't be done here until about five". As I was doing the mental calculations.............."one hour plus one hour......" she said, "we had a telephone call yesterday and there were things added to your visit".

At five o'clock I left for home, with the feeling that I'd been treated to something I'd never even imagined before.

Thank you.

What WAS I Thinking????

"Would you and the girls like to light the advent candles at the Christmas eve service?"
I didnt hesitate to answer "yes". What a blessing it would be. What an honor.

What I forgot is "me". Usually when I read scripture I am, errrrrrrr "easily excitable". I often laugh or cry or express joy and amazement in the WORD. Even at home, alone. Even at my bible study.

So as my three beauties and my first grand stood before the congregation and I read the message of Salvation................God as man, THE KING who came not on a glorious steed with a great army, but who came as a humble infant; the one who would conquer sin and death through his own blood and voice quivered as I held back the tears of gratitude and awe.

Mary......did you know??

It's Over

Well, it's over again! Another season of fundraisers, Christmas events, shopping and tinsel and what seems at times like outright craziness!

This time of year also seems to be a time of reflection. Two years ago on the weekend before Christmas my husband moved out. It was a mutual decision made weeks earlier and even though I knew that it was the best decision for our family, it was still so hard to give up the fantasy of "happily ever after".

2005 was tough financially and emotionally, the legalities of divorce, a new job which took me further away from my family, even the price of gas was a tremendous stress. A couple of weeks before Christmas, I received a call from our local post office.........I almost didn't return the call. They wanted to know if they could be "Santa" for my girls. Did you know that they do that? Just some ordinary folks, looking to lend a hand at the USPS. I was too broke, too stressed, too tired. And yet I was blessed.

In 2006 the house that we lived in was sold. Our community had seen a 300% increase in real-estate prices over just a few years, and I could not afford to pay the new rent. And yet, doors were opened for our family. This Christmas as I purchased gifts for my daughters and granddaughter, I was ever so cognizant of where we have been. And ever so grateful for the provision for our family. And I am acutely and personally aware that in our nation, regular families, working families are affected by a crisis in affordable housing. For many home-ownership is a futile dream, but even renting can cause financial stress and instability.

In our tiny little apartment five "k****-girls" celebrate with a tree and trimmings and gifts. Most of all we have each other and a wonderful family. Even more, we have a Father who loves us. Enough. May you know his love more than anything this year!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Aunts.....

A Bit of Data..........

  • Hepatitis C Virus is a blood-borne virus that enters the body through direct blood exposure.
  • The virus attacks cells in the liver where it multiplies. HCV causes liver inflammation and kills liver cells.
  • The National Insitutes of Health estimates that some four million Americans are infected with HCV. HCV affects over 170 million people worldwide.
  • An estimated 8,000 - 10,000 Americans die annually of complications related to HCV. (cirhossis, cancer of the liver, etc) This fiqure is expected to triple in the next 10-20 years.
  • Most people report few or no symptoms during the acute phase of HCV infection. Chronic HCV may be undiagnosed for years.
  • Most people with chronic HCV infection lead relatively normal lives with with disease progression typically occuring over 10 - 40 years.
  • There is no cure or vaccine for HCV.
  • Hepatitis A, B and C are related only in that they affect the liver.

For additional information:

and check out a local support group!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

still here..................kinda

too tired to even write lately.......
nonetheless so very much to be grateful for.
Father, give me your strength.
Father, Thank you.