Thursday, March 01, 2012


Today I had my typical Thursday morning "appointment"  (hemodialysis).  My nurse/tech is his usual cheerful and "too cute for his age" self.  Bantering with me or perhaps simply for his own entertainment as he prepares to infiltrate my body with those ever so delicate "needles"   (ya right!)

Somewhere in the nonsense I hear him comment, "ya gotta have goals..."  There was a time when I would have laughed out loud.  This morning, I practically choke on a slightly forced smile.   "REALLY? Why do I have to have goals anymore?"  This is what I'm thinking but the words that come out of my mouth are more along the lines of, "yeah, my goal these days is just to get out of bed in the morning."  (Some days I don't.)  As the irony settles in my brain, I just say, "where's my book?!  I've gotta write this one down!!"  And I really do laugh.

So.......Phil promised  to work on his "-isms."  And I promised that he was gonna end up in my blog today.  He's probably working on them even as I blog......