Three years ago an Overcomers group had prayerfully decided to discontinue meetings. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we had come together weekly to share our lives, the good, the bad and the ugly. Some had been gathering for many years. A typical meeting included prayer, a lesson or testimony, then small groups where more personal challenges and victories were shared. We prayed for each other, encouraged each other and matured in our faith-walk. Folk from all walks of life, from various churches and communities, sharing a piece of our journey.
Through these past three years, I have spordically encountered some, once in a shoe store, at a concert, at our beautician's. I'd been called to pray for a brother for healing. When I was going through my drug trial and cancer last year, beautiful Diana came each week to visit and bring dinner. She didn't care that I was in my jammies, my family was truly blessed.
Recently, we got together for dinner at Beth's home.....
The first thing that I realized as I entered her home, was a sense that we'd all seen each other just last week. It was an immediate familiarity and joy to be together again. When I saw "mom"Arlene.........I cried. For some reason, she and I had bonded in special way those years ago, I dont think I understood until that moment how very much I love her. A son who was in treatment three years ago was vibrant and healthy and married! Children growing and grown up. Our lives moving into new directions.
After dinner, well, after DESSERT we gathered in one room, we prayed and then took turns updating the others on our lives since our last meeting, then prayed again. It was a very special evening.
Since than, I have found myself wishing........that everyone could have this kind of extended family.
Hatcher Pass Aurora Time-Lapse
8 years ago