Monday, October 02, 2006

Just a Thought

At the party someone who KNOWS me commented on my blogs.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm it was kind of weird......
Most of what I write is actually for my own benefit. "Remembrances" if you will. I understand that in theory the entire world has access to this journal, and for that reason there are certain things that I don't divulge. For example, you'll never see the words "stubborn ole polack" in one of my blogs! But in reality, I'm pretty certain that about two people actually read these anecdotes and praises.

I'm sure that this new information will not effect the matter or manner in which I write, just a thing...........that one who knows my cranky side is reading this too.

OH!!! Did I mention that I have the most wonderful (step)MOM in the entire world? (parenthetically, cause family is family, no matter how they got stuck with us!!! lol)