Yesterday, I came home from work with a to-do list a mile long. Jeni and Alana had spent the day at my house with "the aunts" and they were both napping when I came in. A few moments later, Alana started fussing. I quietly went over so as not to wake her momma, lay on the floor on my back and put her on my chest. As she calmed and fell back asleep, I had this pang......of all there was yet to do....then shushhhed myself with the thought, "THIS is the better thing for now. THIS is the important thing".
Then I just enjoyed the peace that comes with holding a new-born.
Thank you, Father. For this gift.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
What a Wonderful World.....
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Another Cake Story
It was about 11:00 am that they came in to wake me, "Mom, when can we go to the hospital?" "we're ready!". Honestly, I was hoping to sleep a bit longer, afterall I didnt get in until 6:00 am and even coaching a birth is draining. But the coffee was waiting and a cake had been baked.
Fifteen years ago another "birthday cake" was made as Jeni welcomed her baby sister and then again, when Angie was born. Now it was their turn to welcome her daughter, their neice.
At the hospital the security guard and the nurses came to see "the cake" and as explanations were provided, I realized that my girls had started their own family tradition.
I am surely blessed!
Labels: Teenagers
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
You're Never Gonna Believe This One....
I think I'm about speechless!
So I will simply praise Him for the gift of Alana Lynn.
And for the woman that my daughter is and is becoming.
Thank you, Father. Thank you.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Waiting on Alana
Any day now, I get the title of "Grandma"
Alana, anytime after Thursday 11:00am would be good for grandma.
Her mom will "kill" me when she sees this post. tee hee.
"I'm Telling Ya!......." ain't easy being green.
I pray that His blessings, His love and compassion are yours today.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
"Day By Day"
The guy ain't all that philosophical and he's certainly not "religious." And often "us kids" chuckle even as the words are spoken. It's become a mantra, a trademark of sorts quoted by our dad.
And with more and more frequency, we find ourselves repeating this gem. Having a rough day? "Day by day" with any "luck" the next one will be better. If not, then perhaps the next. There is always hope.
The funny thing is....................when I hear myself saying it, I cant help but smile and think of my father. Its as if he is with me as the words tumble out.
Of course, if a whole day just seems like too much............there's always "minute by minute". String enough of em together and you get a lifetime!
Labels: family
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The past two days, have been............well,
I can't begin to formulate words to "paper" yet. But despite the crux, I can see my Lord at work. Opening doors and hearts beyond my expectations. Prayers spoken before the need was known. Resources made available before the problem realized. And peace and joy and a feeling of blessedness through the tears. I can trust him in this as well. I can trust his perfect will in all things. And I can offer a prayer of praise and thanks giving.
Remember this moment from today, (Dawn Marie):
the one who had such pain, who spoke her heart even when she knew it would break she sought you out at work, she put herself on your lap, wrapped her arms around your neck with her cheek to yours and sang a song of love. Her joy was restored.
The blessing is in each moment.
Thank you, Father. Thank you, Jesus.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Reminder to Self
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.
That goes for my sis-tahs too.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Just a Thought
At the party someone who KNOWS me commented on my blogs.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm it was kind of weird......
Most of what I write is actually for my own benefit. "Remembrances" if you will. I understand that in theory the entire world has access to this journal, and for that reason there are certain things that I don't divulge. For example, you'll never see the words "stubborn ole polack" in one of my blogs! But in reality, I'm pretty certain that about two people actually read these anecdotes and praises.
I'm sure that this new information will not effect the matter or manner in which I write, just a thing...........that one who knows my cranky side is reading this too.
OH!!! Did I mention that I have the most wonderful (step)MOM in the entire world? (parenthetically, cause family is family, no matter how they got stuck with us!!! lol)
You Are Invited To Eavesdrop Again
I'm still "getting over" a weekend like few we get to share. Family and friends celebrating together. Well, that part is not all that unusual for our family, but this weekend was even more special. A surprise party to celebrate Dad. Family and friends came from near and far to honor one. To share stories and tears and love. To say, "thanks!". To say, "I'm glad I got you".
The party was wonderful. And yet, one of my favorite moments was behind closed doors........
After arriving at the hotel and greeting brother and sisters and their families, after hugs for a "favorite" aunt and uncle, we all got to work.........setting up, and preparing the banquet room. Then we had just enough time for a quick bite to eat and change before the guests would arrive for the party. I ran out for fast food and brought it back to the suite for my girls.
As we munched on our meal the conversation turned to the news of the day, the latest allegations relating to a certain Florida Congressman. The specific legal and ethical issues were opined by my young ladies, but I also heard phrases and discourse relating to "gerrymandering" and "constitutional law" as the table banter broadened. Even as the conversation was occurring, I realized what an honor it see young ladies who care, who are knowledgeable and who can express an opinion that is their own. Later, as I watched the other mom's with their adorable little ones..........I remembered those cherished times but with the assurance that THESE are the best moments as well.
And more are yet to come.
P.S. I love you, Dad! Happy 70th birthday!!
Labels: Teenagers