Dear Fan ( know who you are!),
It's been, i didnt skip town, though I will be soon. Just been busy being busy.
This moving thing is such a burden to me..........probably my personal #1worst thing to do. (I'd much rather give birth than move!) Okay, I'm not much into the eating bugs and slimey things either.
Interestingly, our family is downsizing, CONSIDERABLY! From a spacious home to a much, much smaller apartment. About half the size. And yet, Im pleased with that aspect! I see it as a reflection of our changing lifestyle.......from a married, stay at home mom, to a single-mom-full-time-working-woman. Many of the "things" that used to bring pleasure, now seem a burden. Efficiency and utilitarian are what I crave. "Simple". But the challenge is choosing what is left behind and what is kept. How did so much "stuff" come to share my home? Some choices are simple, others not so. I find myself continuously scanning each room, "what else can be eliminated?" Furniture is easy to decide...what will fit and what do I "need"? "Collectibles" are much more difficult: I don't need the fairy candleholder, but it was a gift from my dear little neice and her mom. The Kim Anderson prints will leave our family but the paper mache cow sculpture created by my beautiful daughter will come with us. The china cabinet and the crystal will no longer be a part of our lives but the photograph of Alan Jackson will. Isn't it odd, the things that I choose? Someone else would take the exact same contents and end up with very different results. Funny creatures we are sometimes.
Oh! for the record: I AM taking the kids!
Hatcher Pass Aurora Time-Lapse
8 years ago